We are pleased to announce our strategic alliance with Four Corners Advisors (FCA) and Global Branded Resindences (GBR).

This boutique network combines RLA Global's hospitality and destination development expertise, FCA’s strategic, development and transactional capabilities, and GBR's specialized knowledge in luxury branded real estate.

According to Riyan Itani, Founder of GBR, "We are excited to partner with RLA Global and Four Corners Advisors. RLA Global brings a metrics-driven approach to conceptual planning and design, while Four Corners provides executive-level strategic advisory rooted in legal and contractual capabilities that will deliver enhanced value to clients globally."

RLA Global CEO Roger Allen stated, "This partnership expands our ability to deliver exceptional value for our clients across hospitality, structuring, development and transactional services, and luxury real estate. Each firm contributes unique capabilities that together provide a comprehensive solution."

Michael Shindler of FCA added, "This alliance allows us to provide integrated solutions that draw from our collective experience globally and specialized expertise and backgrounds in law, hospitality and related development, and branded residences. Though our approaches differ, we share a commitment to maximizing value for clients seeking opportunities worldwide."

We believe that this alliance expands our capabilities, allowing us to create new opportunities and provide exceptional services for our clients worldwide.

Strategic Alliance

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