
RLA Global news provides the latest and historic sources of all RLA company activities, authored articles and information we deem to be valuable to our readers.  

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HotStats CEO Mike Grove Shares Crucial Insights

Jul / 2024

In the ever-evolving hospitality landscape, comprehensive data analysis is key. In our latest podcast episode, Michael Grove, CEO of HotStats, offers his expert perspective on the 2024 Wellness Real Estate Report.

HotStats CEO Mike Grove Shares Crucial Insights

Jul / 2024

In the ever-evolving hospitality landscape, comprehensive data analysis is key. In our latest podcast episode, Michael Grove, CEO of HotStats, offers his expert perspective on the 2024 Wellness Real Estate Report. Read more


RLA Global Explores Portugal's Thriving Hospitality Market

Jul / 2024

RLA Global's senior team conducts on-site market analysis in Porto and Nova di Gaia.

RLA Global Explores Portugal's Thriving Hospitality Market

Jul / 2024

RLA Global's senior team conducts on-site market analysis in Porto and Nova di Gaia. Read more


R&R 2024 in Athen - Save the Date!

Jul / 2024

Our Group CEO, Roger Allen, is moderating an intriguing panel for leisure hospitality leaders about aligning stakeholder interests in the brand-operator-owner discussions.

R&R 2024 in Athen - Save the Date!

Jul / 2024

Our Group CEO, Roger Allen, is moderating an intriguing panel for leisure hospitality leaders about aligning stakeholder interests in the brand-operator-owner discussions. Read more


Insights from Industry Leaders - Rachael Rothman

Jul / 2024

Rachael Rothman, Global Head of Hotels Research & Data Analysis at CBRE, shares her valuable insights on hospitality market trends, asset performance, and investment strategies drawn from the 2024 Wellness Real Estate Report.

Insights from Industry Leaders - Rachael Rothman

Jul / 2024

Rachael Rothman, Global Head of Hotels Research & Data Analysis at CBRE, shares her valuable insights on hospitality market trends, asset performance, and investment strategies drawn from the 2024 Wellness Real Estate Report. Read more


The 2024 Wellness Real Estate Report is AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD!

May / 2024

RLA Global's highly anticipated 5th annual Wellness Real Estate Report is ready to download, and it's packed with invaluable insights that will shape the industry's future.

The 2024 Wellness Real Estate Report is AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD!

May / 2024

RLA Global's highly anticipated 5th annual Wellness Real Estate Report is ready to download, and it's packed with invaluable insights that will shape the industry's future. Read more


RLA Global Expands Its Footprint in Senegal!

May / 2024

Roger Allen, our Group CEO, just returned from an inspiring visit to Senegal. His mission was to explore the country's vibrant offerings and assess its potential for hotel development projects. What he found was truly remarkable.

RLA Global Expands Its Footprint in Senegal!

May / 2024

Roger Allen, our Group CEO, just returned from an inspiring visit to Senegal. His mission was to explore the country's vibrant offerings and assess its potential for hotel development projects. What he found was truly remarkable. Read more


Universal Thoughts from Marco Nijhof: 'Know your Guests Well'

Apr / 2024

Marco P. Nijhof’s timeless advice on personalization in hospitality remains crucial as industry trends evolve, emphasizing the need to understand diverse guest preferences.

Universal Thoughts from Marco Nijhof: 'Know your Guests Well'

Apr / 2024

Marco P. Nijhof’s timeless advice on personalization in hospitality remains crucial as industry trends evolve, emphasizing the need to understand diverse guest preferences. Read more


Market Exploration with Dimitris Manikis

Apr / 2024

Roger Allen and Dimitris Manikis enjoy several days of strategic discussions and market exploration in Montreux.

Market Exploration with Dimitris Manikis

Apr / 2024

Roger Allen and Dimitris Manikis enjoy several days of strategic discussions and market exploration in Montreux. Read more


Showing 8 of 173 news entries

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