In a candid conversation, Dr. Maria reframes our perspective on health, emphasizing a paradigm shift from "sick-care" to genuine healthcare. "Imagine visiting your doctor, not because you're ill, but to ensure you stay well," she says, highlighting a proactive approach to well-being.

Addressing the rising demand for personalized treatment, Dr. Maria points out that consumers no longer accept a one-size-fits-all approach. They seek solutions tailored to their unique symptoms, environmental background and genetics.

At the heart of achieving wellness, according to Dr. Maria, is getting back to the basics. She underscores sleep as the foundation, followed by nutrition, exercise, and other wellness pillars. Delving into the role of the hospitality sector in health and longevity, she asserts that destinations and resorts hold immense potential. Within a week or so of vacation, they can jump-start one's system - based on their personal test results – resetting them by offering all the knowledge at hand to continue the path they have experienced even in everyday life situations.

Dr. Maria believes that the hidden value of the Hospitality industry is about offering more care and choices for clients to meet their health objectives. Personalized breakfast menus, for instance, cater to varied dietary needs and would truly add value for visitors.

Endorsing lifelong learning, Dr. Maria shares pearls of wisdom from her grandmother, emphasizing that "knowledge doesn't occupy space." Her personal journey serves as a testament to the importance of patience and adaptability.

Tune in to the full episode here and learn about how the hospitality industry could improve its offering to create transformative guest experiences that support visitors’ health and longevity.



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Dr. Maria Ridao Alonso

Advisory Board Member & Chief Medical Advisor

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