Membership in ISHC is by invitation only, and members are viewed as leaders in their respective areas of expertise. Candidates for membership undergo a rigorous screening process, ensuring that all ISHC members have a reputation of integrity and are qualified by their experience, training, and knowledge to develop and express sound judgment on industry issues.

ISHC is composed of individuals, not organizations, corporations, or groups. To be eligible for membership, an individual must be an owner, officer, partner, or principal of his or her own company, or the equivalent thereof, and be qualified by his or her years of experience consulting.

Back row:

Jeff Dover, Director

Ivar Yuste, Director

Trevor Stuart-Hill, Committee Member

Chad Sorensen - Committee Member

Roger Allen, Director

Middle row:

Kristie Dickinson, Vice President

Andrea Belfanti, CEO

Najah A. Rahmaan-O'neale, Committee Member

Stephen Hennis, Secretary


Front row

Tea Ros, President

Jennifer Castellarin, Director of Marketing & Membership Services

Todd Leach, Chair

Cecilia T Gordon, Committee Member


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