Last week’s 6th Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders convened global thought leaders in Barcelona to map out sustainable paths beyond pandemic-induced obstacles. RLA Global Group CEO Roger Allen contributed valuable perspectives during the Tourism session with candid discussions on nurturing the vital region home to over one-third of all travel destinations while confronting pressing challenges.

As top industry voice Ignacio de las Cuevas, Head of Global Partnerships & Tourism Innovation at Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia, recapped, “There is a turning point towards greater commitment to sustainable tourism, with innovation key to meet emerging consumer demands.”

Amancio López Seijas, President of Grupo Hotusa, further noted: "Tourism has contributed to the economic, social and human development of our region. Nowadays, tourism is no longer limited to vacations, it is increasingly related to the needs to exploring other countries and cultures. Cities without tourism are decadent cities."

Amine Moukarzel, CEO of Golden Tulip Mena, who joined the panel online stated: "The tourism sector in the Mediterranean is known worldwide for its high quality of service, as well as for its interconnection of cultures. We must continue to move towards a higher qualification of professionals in the sector and a greater openness to other regions through greater cooperation between the public sector and the private sector."

Our Group CEO, Roger argued: "The Mediterranean region offers travelers a wide range of possibilities: from exotic destinations within the reach of any budget to local destinations that we must continue to protect and promote. To do this, it is key to protect the cultural heritage of each country, because it is what gives a unique character to a region."

The dialogues repeatedly underscored collaboration as instrumental for progress. 

As the preeminent venue for change-makers across sectors, MedaWeek Barcelona regularly influences progress in the region and globally. We at RLA Global applaud events like this for spearheading sustainable tourism through thoughtful, solutions-oriented dialogue.

 Special thanks to the panel members and to the organizers at Medaweek Barcelona for this great event!

 MedaWeek23 Barcelona, Hotel Session

Hotel Session. Photo from left to right:

Ignacio de las Cuevas - Head of Global Partnerships & Tourism Innovation at Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia

Roger Allen - Group CEO, RLA Global

Amancio López Seijas - President of Grupo Hotusa


Photo from left to right:

Ignacio de las Cuevas - Head of Global Partnerships & Tourism Innovation at Eurecat - Technology Centre of Catalonia

Anwar Zibaoui - General Coordinator of Ascame MedaWeek

Roger Allen - Group CEO, RLA Global

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