The International Society of Hospitality Consultants (ISHC) has announced the ISHC Board of Directors for 2022 with the inclusion of 11 new members.

Following his appointment to the board in 2021, Roger Allen, Group CEO of RLA Global will continue to serve on the leadership of the Society in 2022. Roger commented; ‘I am delighted to welcome the new members to the ISHC Board of Directors in 2022 and am looking forward to continuing to serve alongside some of the very best in our industry. In the wake of the pandemic, I believe the reputation and integrity of our consultants will become even more vital to the industry and I look forward to helping steer the Society on to even greater collaboration in 2022.’

Andrea Belfanti, CEO of ISHC commented, “This year’s Board of Directors is incredibly experienced, resourceful and well-connected. As our industry rebuilds from the impact of the pandemic over the last two years, we recognize the importance of coming together physically and figuratively. It is our intention to come together for innovation, collaboration and to foster camaraderie among our members. I know the Society is in good hands with this year’s leadership at the helm.”

The ISHC Board of Directors that will lead the Society in 2022 are:

At its core, ISHC’s mission is to contribute to the advancement of its members and the hospitality industry, cultivating a collegial environment for networking, professional development, and knowledge exchange, while fostering credibility and integrity. The value ISHC provides to its members is the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with industry experts specializing in all disciplines of hospitality, in all parts of the world through collaboration, knowledge, and idea exchange. ISHC members are bound by the Society’s By-Laws and required to adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct.


About ISHC

The International Society of Hospitality Consultants is truly The Leading Source for Global Hospitality Expertise, represented by over two hundred of the industry’s most respected professionals from across six continents. Collectively, ISHC members provide expert services in over fifty functional areas and have specialized skills in virtually every segment of the hospitality industry. ISHC is dedicated to promoting the highest quality of professional consulting standards and practices for the hospitality industry. Candidates undergo a rigorous screening process, ensuring that all ISHC members have a reputation of integrity and are qualified by their experience, training, and knowledge to develop and express sound judgment on industry issues. Additional information about the organization, along with a directory of ISHC members, is available on the ISHC website at    

For more information about ISHC, please contact:
Lauren Marshall, Director of Membership & Marketing
Phone: +1.678.735.9453

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