The key finding of the report is that hotels with minor wellness offerings realized the most significant growth from topline to the bottom line in the first half of 2023, surpassing pre-pandemic performance levels. Minor wellness hotels saw a 37% increase in revenue and 61% growth in operational profit compared to the same period last year.

The report provides objective, structured data from P&L benchmarking firm HotStats, covering about 2,600 major, minor, and no-wellness hotels of all categories worldwide. Processing property-level KPI results, such as ADR, occupancy rates, TRevPAR, GOPPAR, and GOP, the report presents how wellness contributes to hotel revenue flows and operating costs, and what effects it has on margins and overall profits.

"Fresh benchmarks from the first half of 2023 can help developers, operators and investors gain an edge through evaluating opportunities in wellness real estate and aligning strategies with its trends," said Roger Allen, Group CEO of RLA Global.

The report enables stakeholders to make data-driven wellness investment decisions for optimal financial returns. Trends and year-over-year shifts are made clear through charts and visualizations comparing 2023 mid-year metrics to 2022 full year.

"In today's dynamic environment, up-to-date data is crucial for owners, developers, and investors seeking a competitive advantage," added Paul Boldy, Managing Partner at RLA Global. "We're providing the wellness real estate market with transparency and insights for success."

For more data on hotel performances, please download the full report

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Laura Dutrieux

Senior Tourism & Hospitality Consultant

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