Invest in People - Podcast with Cornelia Kausch

Jul / 2023

As hospitality businesses navigate through changing landscapes, the conversation is shifting toward how to unlock additional value within the industry. In a thought-provoking podcast episode, RLA Global advisory board member and seasoned hospitality expert, Cornelia Kausch, sheds light on this critical issue.... Read more

Reflections on Corona/Covid19

Jul / 2020

As we all have no idea how things will be developing, whether there will be a second wave, how governments will be reacting as the grieving of our future clients continues to prevail. Our lives and the way we did business pre-COVID19 has nothing to do with the life we have seen now and will see after COVID19. ... Read more

Influencers in Hospitality with Cornelia Kausch

Mar / 2018

RLA launches its new ’Influencers in Hospitality’ series with Cornelia Kausch, VP of Development at Pandox AG and RLA Global Advisory Board Member. ... Read more

Senior Team

Paul Boldy

Managing Partner

Dr. Richard von Kalmar

Director of Hospitality Investments & Board Member

Dr. Peter Bajcsi

Chief Strategy Officer

Laura Dutrieux

Senior Tourism & Hospitality Consultant

Paul Sawford

Hospitality Consultant & Tourism Development

Simon Lee Saunders

VP Strategic Health & Wellness

Aniko Paroczi

Director of Corporate Development

Dr. Maria Ridao Alonso

Advisory Board Member & Chief Medical Advisor

David Harper

Advisory Board Member

Cornelia Kausch

Advisory Board Member