Outlook for 2024: the rise and rise of experiential travel

Feb / 2024

Seeking unique travel experiences will remain a robust trend in a growing global tourism market in 2024, which has key implications for hotel operators. ... Read more

2024's Luxury Hospitality Landscape: Insights from AOHIS

Jan / 2024

At the recent Atlantic Ocean Hotel Investors' Summit (AOHIS) in Madrid, our Group CEO Roger Allen led a 'rockstar panel' of industry experts, exploring the evolving luxury hospitality landscape. The panel discussed market predictions, and offered deep insights into trends shaping the future of tourism and hotel investment.... Read more

How to Navigate 2024 Challenges: Insights from Martina Maly-Gaertner

Jan / 2024

In our latest podcast, Martina Maly-Gaertner, COO at UBM Development, discusses the future of hospitality. She covers asset utilization, energy hedging, and the value of emotional intelligence and diversity in leadership during challenging times. ... Read more

Senior Team

Paul Boldy

Managing Partner

Dr. Richard von Kalmar

Director of Hospitality Investments & Board Member

Dr. Peter Bajcsi

Chief Strategy Officer

Laura Dutrieux

Senior Tourism & Hospitality Consultant

Paul Sawford

Hospitality Consultant & Tourism Development

Simon Lee Saunders

VP Strategic Health & Wellness

Aniko Paroczi

Director of Corporate Development

Dr. Maria Ridao Alonso

Advisory Board Member & Chief Medical Advisor

David Harper

Advisory Board Member

Cornelia Kausch

Advisory Board Member